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Today I’m thinking about redesigning my blog somewhat. I recently learned how to add HTML tags to change the appearance of text in WordPress, but I’m not going to do something that radical. I’m probably just going to change my preferences for default text. I’m also considering redoing my header images and changing my theme.

It’s spring. Spring cleaning time. I want to rearrange the furniture.

It’s also Lent.

As always, about halfway through Lent, I always have to take a step back. Resisting the temptation to eat candy is easy after about a week, and I start to forget why I’m doing this.

Obviously the intent of giving something up for Lent is to bring us closer to God. However, I have to ask myself if I’m being too easy on myself–if I should be giving up something else instead, if I should get creative.

Giving up TV? I barely watch it any more. Giving up the Internet? Pretty much impossible, what with school and work requirements. And giving up leisure Internet time is out of the question, too–the spirit is willing, but the flesh is very weak. I deleted a bunch of casual games off my phone, too–after a week where I wasn’t constantly distracted, I didn’t miss those any more, either.

This Lent, I plan to try to fast more–not necessarily the full fast, but at least giving up little snacks and whatnot. Just as a self-control thing.

But maybe it’s not a question of what Iย shouldn’t be doing, but what Iย should.

Maybe it’s time to get away from the computer in my downtime and sew those dresses that have been sitting on the dining room table for a year.

Maybe it’s time to grab my sister (https://tworoadsdivergedinyellowwood.wordpress.com/, hello sweetie ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) and start planning our garden for this year. (It. Is. Going. To. Happen. This. Time. People!)

Maybe it’s time to just hang out with my youngest sister a bit more.

And to stay on track, maybe I should try journaling again. Or meditation.

Ultimately, Lent is for us. It’s not about restrictions. It’s about growth.

Parce, Domine, parce populo tuo, ne in aeternum irascaris nobis.